Hey there, Greetings!

I'm Jia Wei

A Front-End Web Developer

I'm a first year computer science student studying at the National University Of Singapore. Currently, I'm focused on building responsive front-end web applications while learning back-end technologies. With each project I undertake, I hope to value add to the team and learn as much as possible to become an efficient and practical software developer.


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Who I am

Outside of Computer Science I engage in a variety of outdoor activities. Anything that keeps me active and up on my feet always makes me feel alive and motivated and ready to start a new day. Running and hiking are part of my weekly routine, and that is precisely how I would spend my time if not sitting in front of a computer doing work.

In NUS, I am tied to two other commitments apart from NUS Fintech Society, that being NUS Mountaineering and I'm part of the House Committee in my residential hall. Maintaining a healthy work life balance between the three as well as studies can be a challenge at times, but I think that as long as I prioritise and focus when I need to, it is possible to still value add and make something meaningful out of the three.

The photo on the right is me posing with my door chalked by people in my house, a tradition that is carried out at the start of each semester when everyone moves into their dormitory rooms for the first time. I often find myself admiring the drawings when I come back because it reminds me of my place in Cinnamon College and that I'm constantly surrounded by other friends on the same journey as me.



My Past Experiences

June 2021 - Aug 2021

Harvard CS50 - Intro To Computer Science

This is the first course I took which formally introduced me to programming. CS50 covered topics ranging from Machine Learning to Web Development to more theoretical Computer Science concepts, although mainly at the surface level. The initial part of the course was taught in C, and soon we moved on to python and flask.

Out of the topics that touched upon the topic which I gravitated towards was web-programming, that being my topic of choice for the final project in order to graduate the course. My first ever web application was a simple four route webapp using flask, html and css.

Jan 2022 - June 2022

Front-End Engineer | Codomo

I was given the opportunity to intern at Codomo as a front-end engineer. My six months there was primarily working on Rolljak, one of Codomo's products, which went through several reiterations and redesigns with the design team. We used the scrum methodology to organise our workflow, and working alongside the tech leads, PM and POs was initially a steep learning curve, but nonetheless an important and fruitful experience learning to work in an agile team.

Although officially my title was a front-end engineer, some tickets did require some back-end routing and database changes. Ruby on Rails was Rolljak's techstack, along with SASS and Jquery. Towards the later months of my internship, Codomo started to integrate Cypress for unit testing.

Aug 2022 - Present

Software Developer | NUS Fintech Society

I joined Fintech Society as a Software Developer primarily because I wanted to continue my experience from Codomo as a Developer, although a part of it also stems from wanting to explore the crypto-currency scene and its various technologies.

Currently, I'm working on Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), a form of legal structure which gained popularity along with the rise of cryptocurrency ethusiasts and blockchain technology not as a machine learning or blockchain developer but likewise as a web developer.


Let's Work Together

I check my emails quite regularly, feel free to drop me an email at lim.jia28@gmail.com or hit me up through one of my socials below! I'm always keeping an eye out for opportunities or other projects to take on in the coming months, and I'd love to get involved and value add to your project!